The Aloe Foundation, a unique resource within the Austin community, provides healing, holistic care to individuals affected by illness or trauma. Our treatments help heal, both physically and emotionally, some of the most at-need individuals in our community, by reducing pain, decreasing stress, and promoting wellness. We are proud to serve and treat individuals through our partnerships with SAFE, Lifeworks, Ronald McDonald House, the Breast Cancer Resource Center and service men and women at Camp Mabry.
HOW WE WORK: Healing Hands
Once a month, we visit our partner organizations and host free wellness events for those who are in desperate need of relief from pain and stress. Through treatments such as massage therapy, acupuncture, energetic work, and guided meditation, our therapists make an immediate, meaningful difference in the lives of so many. In our work, we may find ourselves treating women in the emergency shelter at Safe who have never experienced a gentle touch, a parent at Dell Children’s Hospital coping with a dying or sick child, or someone trying to manage symptoms from their cancer treatment. No other non-profit organization in the Austin area provides this type of integrative holistic care addressing trauma or augmenting traditional medical treatments. Witnessing these transformative benefits is truly amazing and we are honored to bring comfort and care to these who need it most.
THE RESULTS: Effective & Immediate
It is remarkable to see how we can affect someone’s life in such a positive way. For those dealing with illness or trauma, the Aloe Foundation is a source for gentle, restorative healing, for comfort and connection. It is, quite simply, beautiful, and our clients’ heartfelt words speak directly to the results:
“Thank you so much for offering the spa day. I am going through the unimaginable with my little baby in the cancer unit receiving his first of four treatments. It helps to take a break from the room and try to relax my mind, body, and spirit.”
“I cannot thank you enough for providing a moment of escape and relaxation for me during my child’s fight against cancer. Over the past 2 months, we have only been home 8 days. While not yet at the breaking point. I could see the risk of it coming. Thank you for helping to heal my spirit.”
“Thank you so much for providing families such amazing services. My daughter (14) had a tube put in her throat last night at 6 pm. We have been at Dell for 3 months and it was a very hard night. It’s services like this that help families stay strong and positive. Thank you!”
“You wouldn’t believe how someone touching you in a healing way instead of a hurtful one opens your soul.”
“Healing touch in the midst of the pain. Such a valuable service. Thank you!”
“Please, please, please, continue this event for the men and women of SAFE. This allows so much healing for the mind, body, and spirit. When you have this type of healing it begins to heal the wounds of life. Thank you and God Bless.”
“Thank you so much for supporting the Aloe Foundation. This service means so much to us – a calm in the midst of the storm.”
“Sometimes we struggle to find the good that comes out of this disease. But coming here today was such an amazing and wonderful blessing. Thank you!”
“I feel like a new person with a renewed inspiration to keep fighting. My attitude has completely
“I am here with my grandson, whom we just adopted. Your treatments were a Godsend. So peaceful.
So relaxing. Words are hard to come by – I so needed this.”
“Thank you to all who made this possible. You are making a wonderful difference in many lives going through trying times.”